I am taking my garage back from the squirrels

I have had squirrels in my garage for some time now.

I am always find nut stashes in the corners and inside my buckets.

I am tired of the invasion of the squirrels. I want to be able to use my garage as a spare room for when family shows up. I have already called the contractor and asked them to check and find out where the squirrels are coming in from. We are going to close off the garage door and just keep the house door. It will be private and a small efficiency apartment. My granddaughter is going to be staying with us for a time and I want her to have her privacy. She is going to college soon and we will be her main home since we are six hours closer to the college. I also need to get some air conditioning into the garage. I want to make sure the squirrels don’t have an entrance before we go doing a lot of work. I want to install some carpeting and finish off the walls. When that is done, I planned on having the HVAC company come in and get the air conditioning working. While the contractor was there, they found an unused air vent. Apparently the squirrels were using the air vent as a home. The air vent was jammed full of nesting material and nuts, but the squirrels weren’t there. Once we removed all of the bedding, there was some air leaking through. I had the HVAC company come in and clean and sanitize the ductwork. I think the garage will be a great apartment for our granddaughter, when she arrives in about two weeks.


heating business