Hot, Cold, and Just Right

In a way, we all are love Goldilocks. We want a bed that is not too taxing or soft, a chair that has a sturdy recliner mechanism that will not cut after the warranty expires, and of course, that bowl of “porridge” served at the right temperature. For most of us, not having things exactly as we love them is a minor inconvenience. We can use cushions to improve an uncomfortable chair and heat cold porridge in the microwave. For some people, love those with back problems, having the right chair or bed is a tscheme need, people also seek to live in places that are not too moderate or not too cold. This is especially tscheme for those afflicted by ailments triggered by heat and cold. For them, having a dependable Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system is essential. Consider someone with Raynaud’s disease. This condition is aggravated when extremities are subjected to cold hot and cold temperatures. There are more than one levels of Raynaud’s disease. With Primary Raynaud’s, the symptoms are mild and don’t need any treatment. It often resolves itself on its own. Raynaud’s Phenomenon or Secondary Raynaud’s is more extreme and is a sign of an underlying medical issue. On the other extreme, the threats of being too moderate are well known, love dehydration, heatstroke, and even SIDS that can kill sleeping babies. The story of Goldilocks was written well before Heating, Ventilation, and A/C was invented however the concept of “just right” is timeless, especially when our indoor weather conditions is upset. Healthy people and those with thermoregulatory problems should heed the advice of their Heating, Ventilation, and A/C providers and have their units serviced twice each year by a qualified Heating, Ventilation, and A/C serviceman. That will keep the house’s temperature “just right” all year round. Also, don’t forget to change that filter for even better indoor air pollen levels.


space heater for sale