The combination of A/C and cannabis makes my pain go away

For a long time, my wife and I have been dealing with migraines that come on all the time. We were never able to find anything to relieve the pain. The only thing that sort of helped me was resting under the HVAC vent so the air conditioning would flow over me. I was always adjusting the temperature control settings in the house and causing the energy bills to spike. We have tried all kinds of headache medicine but none of that ever worked. The only thing that worked from time to time was when we would hang out with friends and smoke some cannabis. I found that smoking cannabis and having the right temperature control settings easily made my migraine go away. Some are more severe and harder to get rid of, but the cannabis still makes it a mild ache as opposed to an unbearable one. So we finally decided to move to a new house in a state where medical cannabis is legal. We got our medical ID cards and went to a cannabis dispensary. The place was absolutely stunning with awesome air quality and perfect temperature control settings. I felt like my headache was going away already, and I had a pretty bad one before going to the cannabis shop. The budtenders were helpful and managed to point me to the best strains for my chronic pain. My wife also picked out some really great strains, some indica, some sativa. Now at home, we have the best HVAC around, a ductless mini split. Now I regularly crank up the A/C and puff on the cannabis and I never feel stressed or in pain.

Duct sealing